Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Unwillfull Enslavement

Unwillfull Enslavement

               I have been enslaved without my consent, my knowing it, nor my willigness to be said ensalved. Unknowing to me, my birth registration is my entrapment (my death cirtificate if you will). 
The greatest trick to be puled on someone, is a trick or con that one doesn`t even know exists. My body, mind and soul belongs to no government nor religious or occult orginization - only to the one true creator of all, the all that created everything unknown, with nothing more, than a thought, do I belong to.

               Without full or any whatsoever disclosure to myself, a birth registration was signed on my behalf by my mother and father. After that, a birth certificate was printed up with a number on it that corrisponds with the number on the birth registration - in their words ... my slave ownership papers were printed up and signed at the moment of my birth.

                After that, a social securty card was printed up for me (at my parents request) so that a fictional person could be created for my real human body to then move about in as a corporation within this fictional world that is money - based.

               In this manner, my mind or consciosness has been hijacked from me - myself - and I. Without discloser to me, a trust - with al capitalized letters of my name, was printed up for me wich has a trustee, executer and benafitiary attached to it. I am well aware of all the half truths. The half wise recognising the comperative  unreality of the universe, imagine they can defie its laws - such are they as feels. The truely wise, knowing the nature of the universe, use law against laws.

copy rights reserved to Micha-El Parker 

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly, we are registered as slaves by father,mother,registrar, priest,etc. All fictitious and enslaved in their own ways. They are just doing what they are told, until one day, someone heretical comes along, and ruptures the process.
