Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Tears In My Coffee

The Tears In My Coffee 

When I look into your eyes, 
I realize, 
that between us... they are no lies.

             Tears In My Coffee,
someone may ask, "How can this be?" 
It's easy, when I`m looking at you - looking at me, 
"YOU" are all I ever want to see.

There`s alot to be learned by
looking deep into your love`s eyes,
behind the smile there`s a great big
world just waiting on you to realize.

             Tears In My Coffee... 
no words are needed when you`re looking 
this way at me.
It hurts every second of every minute 
that we`re apart,
you can trick the mind but you just 
can`t fake what`s in the heart.

             Tears In My Coffee ...
I`m looking at you, looking back at me,
the good Lord knows how much I love
what I see.

They say that "The eyes are the 
window to the soul", 
as I look into yours, I see my world
complete and whole.

Today, I Thank God for .... Tears In My Coffee ... 

Copy Rights reserve to Michael E. Parker

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