Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Garden of Gods

Garden of the Gods is on my mind today, 
just why, no one can say. 

The memories I have of Tennessee flash before my eyes,  
my spirit flies. 

I drift above the memories of all the places we've been,
 all the festivals we've seen. 

There's always been a magic to our love, 
I've always thought that you were sent from above,
 my Eden,  my love. 

Some said that this love wouldn't last, 
and here we are, six years have past. 

Where would we be and what would we have done, 
without ending up here in the valley of the sun. 

The ocean whispers my name,
 I hope you hear the same. 

Peace is something we create and not something to be found, I miss you every moment you're not around. 

Thank you for your love and patience through the times when I was lost and blind, 
thank you for your understanding when I wasn't so kind. 

Nothing lasts forever and someday everything will come to an end, 
while I'm still alive, I want to thank you for being my darlin, my lover, my everything, and especially my friend. 

The ocean's waves will always reach for the shore, 
I will be yours, forever more. ~Your Micheal~ 
To the most beautiful woman in the world, my Eden.

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