Saturday, May 16, 2020

My View

There is persistence within the 
soul to be free,
as for me, my joy comes from jumping the
waves as my soul frolics across the sea.

I love to close my eyes and turn 
my face to the sun, 
realization in the mind comes when you notice
there`s no where left to run.

We all pass our time with all the little things 
we do,
we are either taken back or made stronger by 
every little thing we go through.

They say that beauty is in the eye 
of the beholder,
my idea of beauty is changing every day as I grow older, 
the mind will never recognize beauty as long as we allow our 
hearts to grow colder.

I use to wonder what this life is really for,
I let all that go and don`t even care anymore. 

The Tide is high and it`s either sink or swim,
the only thing I fear is hidden deep within.

Come walk with me and hold my hand, 
we`ll pause and write our names among the sand.

Written by Michael Parker 

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