Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Love is All

One day we will all know God`s glory and power, 
He will call each and every one of us by name and no one knoweth the hour.

One day we will all realize the reason for all of our trials, tribulations and pain,
there will come a day that no one will have a reason to complain.

One day we will understand that the greatest achievement to obtain,
 the most valuable thing we can gain,
is the true purpose and meaning of LOVE and every or anything else ... is vain.

When ALL is Love and Love is ALL,
hatred, war, evil, depression and division shall surely fall.

One day there will be a quickening of all of our minds,
and there will be rejoicing everywhere from 
people of all races and kinds.

When God shows up in your life and 
touches you to the roots of your soul, 
you know in your heart that Love is each of our ultimate goal.

Copy rights reserve to Michael Parker 

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