Saturday, July 22, 2017

In Your Heart, Where I Belong

In Your Heart, Where I Belong

I tried to make a house a home
in less than four weeks, 
Love is what everyone seeks.

I waited for you till hours
seemed like they would never end,
it all seems silly now how long it
takes a broken heart to really mend.

I once called out your name
to hear nothing after, 
I call out your name now and
hear your remarkable laughter.

Before you, I tried to show
people who I really am,
the harder I tried, the more I found
that no one gave a damn.

I have put on so many masks
for so many people so they could see 
what they wanted to see,
I did this for so long I forgot what it 
was like to even really be the real me.

My soul has been hurt but not yet broken, 
my heart been cold but not yet frozen.

I once tried to make a house a home, only to find,
that it is only a state of mind.

I have now come to realize
that my Home is in your heart,
and from here I hope and pray to never apart.

Life has many mistakes, twists and turns along the way, 
I pray you know just how important you are to me someday.

To my beautiful wife! 
from your faithful husband, Michael.

I have searched for you from the desert to the sea`s shore, 
in my heart you`ll be ... forever more.

written by Michael Parker 
6-27-2015 1:30 pm

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