Sunday, September 25, 2016

Looking Back

Looking Back / Micha-El Parker

My family is still alive but I am dead to them, 
the light to my painful past is slowly growing dim.

I am nothing more than an outcast 
in a dysfunctional world here, 
I have given up control of my life and handed it 
over to my Creator for Him to steir.

There is something deep inside that is 
ready to be let loose, 
my body is riddled with scars and my mind
is slowly letting go of all the mental abuse.

Everything on earth is temporary you see,
this is just the way it is designed to be.

The tallest buildings come crashing to the ground, 
somethings go missing, never again to be found.

Have you ever noticed how hard
it is to put a smile across your face,
when you are in rage or feeling its disgrace. 
I am in this world but not of this place.

My heart beats yet I count them not, 
the love I have for my Creator and wife are all I`ve got.

The tears fall and my heart aches, 
I speak into the darkness and the silence breaks.

I could be so bitter and cold but my soul resisted...
for I knew a love like ours existed.

Copy Rights reserved to Micha-El Parker

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