Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Do You Know What Is Coming ?

Do You Know What Is Coming ?

There is a disease that has its highs and lows,
it follows me around wherever I go.

There is a sickness in this world that everyone seems to Ignore,
and I don`t know how much I can take from either one ... anymore.

Everyone is mad and without laughter as I look around, 
their eyes are empty with no life inside to be found, 
am I the only one who realizes that we are all walking on sacred ground?

I live in  a prison of flesh and bone, 
don`t weep for me... when I am gone.

Religion is a trap to veil the mind, 
I feel as if I am the last of my kind.

I live in a world where everything is for sale or lease, 
away from this kind of place is where I`ll find my peace.

I feel something approaching with a lot of force... it knows no remorse, 
and there`s Nothing I can do to change its corse.

Everything real will soon be fake and honesty will be replaced with lies, 
it will be so imaginable that you will not believe your eyes,
it is going to be a sad day...  when all Love dies. 

Copy Rights reserved to Michael E. Parker

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