"Dear Lord ,as I come to you at this time in my prayers...I come to you without request o`Lord...instead to give thanks for my many blessings... Your birthday is upon us as another calendar year comes close to an end o`Lord. I would like to not ask anything of you but your mighty and merciful Will be done o`Lord. I pray that as another day comes and goes, that others will see what you have done in my life o`Lord,and that they too decide they cannot fight the battles in front of and ahead of them alone anymore and that they to seek forgiveness in the blood of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Use and guide me as you will ,for I give myself to you completely. I fear not for I am a child of Christ...I will march in any direction you lead me to go, fearlessly. For all of my trust Ian in your word...your word that guideth me. I come before you in prayer o`Lord,not asking for anything more than your Will be done....Happy Birthday to you Jesus...you died for mine and the worlds sins...and for that I am forever grateful. Please allow those struggling with the decision whether to believe or not...to see that the only other alternative is a darkness I have been allowed to see and wish not on my worst of foes. I saw the light and pray that others will see as well...may a movement be made in the souls of my friends and family riding that fence of denial. Happy Birthday!!! In your name I pray.... Amen."
You see, I thought exactly like everyone else just three years ago. I continued to pray this intensely everyday since then, but even more often...without ceasing if you will. The truth is that we have all been cleverly deceived by an elite force's ancestors who could use the pen to lead the entire world astray. I asked, begged for and prayed for the truth and that's exactly what I got. From on my knees in the MANY churches I visited to at home in private continuously. Listened to the best pastors you could wish to be in the presence of and have seen the light of the Creator first hand...and it is not what we are led to believe. There is only one, I know this now. The cross is a symbol of the zodiac wheel, look it up. Find out for your self who authored the bible...it wasn't any prophets I can promise you that. Find out why you've been deceived with exactly 66 books. It's nothing more than a mind control system to keep you in the dark as the Pharisee (politicians) do as they please and you stay asleep to your manipulation. . .I have read all the holy books, from all religions and they were all stolen counterfeit forgeries. We have been led into idolatry with the cross and cannibalism as well as vampirism with the symbolic drinking of Christ's blood and the eating of his flesh. We have been fooled!!! The christ is within you, not some external figure. Search for the TRUTH...you won't find it in a bible nore any other so called holy book...you'll find it in Kemet (Egypt) where all these stories were stolen from. I asked a question on fb not too long ago that no one answered, "who is the bright and morning star?" The truth is...they are one in the same...we've been tricked people!!! We are led to worship a luciferian, zodiac wheel (with it's 12 signs), 33 degree masonic shit storm....to control YOU!!! To divide and conquer. All the symbols can be related to that very group. Look it up!!!! Find out for yourself why you see 7, 33, 40, 12 and many other things repeated over and over again in ya bible. They're openly mocking us!!! The church I was attending when I wrote this prayer three tears ago allowed a magician to perform in the church, had a men dress up like women bikini pageant, a pastor seen in pictures lately handling snakes like a snake doctor...it's in your face what's being done to us and most are too blind to see it for what it is, IDOLATRY!!! We are the children of the Creator, the truth is within us, we can do miracles like the Christ figure described, we have been tricked and it sickens me to no end. Please research this stuff to see for your self before they have the war they've been pushing us faster and faster toward...it's a game of grand chaos that they will have there order from. Wake up and see it for what it is- it's evil...plane and simple. You have to seek...then and only then will you find...and you're not going to like what you find. Peace, love and happiness to you all. Happy winter solstice everyone-- it is what it is. Look it up folks before it's too late, look it up.
© Michael E. Parker
© Michael E. Parker