Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Purpose for Manipulation

"Dear Lord ,as I come to you at this time in my prayers...I come to you without request o`Lord...instead to give thanks for my many blessings... Your birthday is upon us as another calendar year comes close to an end o`Lord. I would like to not ask anything of you but your mighty and merciful Will be done o`Lord. I pray that as another day comes and goes, that others will see what you have done in my life o`Lord,and that they too decide they cannot fight the battles in front of and ahead of them alone anymore and that they to seek forgiveness in the blood of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Use and guide me as you will ,for I give myself to you completely. I fear not for I am a child of Christ...I will march in any direction you lead me to go, fearlessly. For all of my trust Ian in your word...your word that guideth me. I come before you in prayer o`Lord,not asking for anything more than your Will be done....Happy Birthday to you died for mine and the worlds sins...and for that I am forever grateful. Please allow those struggling with the decision whether to believe or see that the only other alternative is a darkness I have been allowed to see and wish not on my worst of foes. I saw the light and pray that others will see as well...may a movement be made in the souls of my friends and family riding that fence of denial. Happy Birthday!!! In your name I pray.... Amen."

You see, I thought exactly like everyone else just three years ago. I continued to pray this intensely everyday since then, but even more often...without ceasing if you will. The truth is that we have all been cleverly deceived by an elite force's ancestors who could use the pen to lead the entire world astray. I asked, begged for and prayed for the truth and that's exactly what I got. From on my knees in the MANY churches I visited to at home in private continuously. Listened to the best pastors you could wish to be in the presence of and have seen the light of the Creator first hand...and it is not what we are led to believe. There is only one, I know this now. The cross is a symbol of the zodiac wheel, look it up. Find out for your self who authored the wasn't any prophets I can promise you that. Find out why you've been deceived with exactly 66 books. It's nothing more than a mind control system to keep you in the dark as the Pharisee (politicians) do as they please and you stay asleep to your manipulation. . .I have read all the holy books, from all religions and they were all stolen counterfeit forgeries. We have been led into idolatry with the cross and cannibalism as well as vampirism with the symbolic drinking of Christ's blood and the eating of his flesh. We have been fooled!!! The christ is within you, not some external figure. Search for the won't find it in a bible nore any other so called holy'll find it in Kemet (Egypt) where all these stories were stolen from. I asked a question on fb not too long ago that no one answered, "who is the bright and morning star?" The truth is...they are one in the same...we've been tricked people!!! We are led to worship a luciferian, zodiac wheel (with it's 12 signs), 33 degree masonic shit control YOU!!! To divide and conquer. All the symbols can be related to that very group. Look it up!!!! Find out for yourself why you see 7, 33, 40, 12 and many other things repeated over and over again in ya bible. They're openly mocking us!!! The church I was attending when I wrote this prayer three tears ago allowed a magician to perform in the church, had a men dress up like women bikini pageant, a pastor seen in pictures lately handling snakes like a snake's in your face what's being done to us and most are too blind to see it for what it is, IDOLATRY!!! We are the children of the Creator, the truth is within us, we can do miracles like the Christ figure described, we have been tricked and it sickens me to no end. Please research this stuff to see for your self before they have the war they've been pushing us faster and faster's a game of grand chaos that they will have there order from. Wake up and see it for what it is- it's evil...plane and simple. You have to seek...then and only then will you find...and you're not going to like what you find. Peace, love and happiness to you all. Happy winter solstice everyone-- it is what it is. Look it up folks before it's too late, look it up.

© Michael E. Parker

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Shadow

I wake to find myself lost,
I need answers no matter the cost.

Am I alive or am I dead?
Am I hungry or have been fed?

I  question myself, do you as well,
Come with me I have a wonderful story to tell . 

I am my own shadow don't you see, 
I am whatever it is you want me to be.

I rime freely among the night, 
I walk behind you to hide from the light.

Turn around and you will find, 
That I'm not too far behind.

I am with you wherever you may go, 
I am everywhere as you already know.

I train myself to do the things you do,
I learn to like you, do you like me too?

I really am something to see,
I am you and you are me.

I am nothing more than darkness beneith  your feet, 
I think it would be best that we never meet.

My story is nothing more than a dream,
The shadow is more real than he may seem.

Copy rights reserved to Micha-El Parker

Friday, November 4, 2016

What is Love ?

What is Love ?

It's true....I have such a hard time of showing you love becouse-for one, I was never shown or taught how to love. I was taught that the power of love has to do soully with the amount of money you give or make for someone. That's not love. That's called-looking out for another's well being. And two- I spent so long looking for love...that I forgot what it really is. You can't find love nor loose it. A person either loves or they don't. It can't be found....only shared. So please know that I am very aware of what love is and what it is not. When I tell you I love you, don't doubt it.

Copy rights reserved to Micha-El

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I

I am now convinsed that I am actually two individuals. I am sitting here listening to my beautiful Eden on the phone with her son Samuel, crying her heart out about the pain she is in. At the same time I`m writing this and listening to "Low Love: by Brian Fallow.
While I am listening to my wife`s heart breaking, listening to "Low Love", writing this, drinking coffee, and for some crazy reason... my mind is back in time remembring each and every time my dad hit me in anger - over and over again.

I am hated by many and understand by no one. I don`t even understand myself.... I even hate myself now. There is a person inside of me that is a mother-fucker, a very hatefull person. "It`s not what you say Michael, it`s how you say it that hurts people". My fathers words.

There is a very cold and heartless person that resides in my body, he can turn his back and walk away from anyone, anything, or anyplace... and never look back. Solitude or isolation is this person`s best friend and only companion, for nothing can withstand his rage and hatered that consumes his very being. He has fire in his eyes and in his touch that turns everything in his path to ashes. He is the most distructive thing he knows. Reasoning is beyond his cimprehension or understanding. Sometimes I close my eyes and pretend he and I never met, I`m not even sure where he came from or what his purpose is. If he ever shows up, I am for sure that you should leave him alone, he`s no good for no one. I`ve tried to kill him several times, as others have too, but to no avail-for the rage inside of him is too strong.

Then there is this other person that I just have to mention, because everything he does, he does with a smile on his face.... everyone wants to be his friend and they try to keep him around as long as they can - he`s fun to be around, what else can I say. There`s one thing no one knows about this guy though, it`s that behind his bright smile he gladly shines for you - he is black and dead inside - depressed from the ability to remember everything.... I mean EVERYTHING... anything from two and half years old - on. He seeks to no end for love and happiness. He is tired and weiry from struggling and searching in a world filled with lies, money is king, and everyone he meets is just out to gain something that really doesn`t even exist.

It`s took its toll on him and deep sadness, depression, unworthiness and a fake smile are his closests friends, He has searched in vain for truth and understanding - to come to a conclusion that there is no understanding in the lies he`s been fed his entire life. Understanding excapes him.This person has more emotions than the normal person has, crying often for all in pain or depression as he is. He actually thought he could change the world... what a joke he feels like now.

In writing this, I now see that there is three inside of one body, because I referee the other two. Me, Myself and I make up the mind, body and spirit of the person I am writing about. You are more than welcome to figure out who is who, but I`m pretty sure that Myself is the destuctive one, Me must be the compationate one, and I must be the one that feels both of their competiveteness, and I am here to tell you now that it is exhalsting to be I  in the middle of Me and Myself. 

I feel I am breaking down spiritually and mentally while my phisical self stands alone. Me, Myself and I -I laugh to myself as a part of Me slowly dies. I have tried to be friends with both of them, but it`s impossible, they are too selfish of each other. What am I to do as Myself rages on at Me? I have tried to lie saying Me and Myself do not exist... but I can`t lie, because they are both very real. If you push Myself you will soon realise that I nor Me can stop nor resist his rage.... he is too powerful.

If Myself is represented by fire, I suppose earth is Me, and I am nothing more than air. They have learned to work together in unisun to form who I am. Since I have no control of Me or Myself, does that make me helpless - I think YES, yes it does and its pains me to no end... no end. What ever am I to do? The battle has become more than I can take, I am tired - so tired. Me battles to exteingwish the fiery rage of Myself, then something in life happens and I tell Me that Myself is an evil necessity... and then I have to battle Myself to bring Me back to life.... and the cycle continues to calmly rage on... and on, and on to the point I can`t take anymore of their insanity. If Myself is evil, and all of the love is in me, then what am I? Now I can clearly see that none of us actually deserve our next breath. Sad, isn`t it ? 

Therefore - I am in a win, lose, or draw situation with Me, Myself and I. Myself screams Win! while Me is ready to except a draw, as I see no way out, but to lose.

Please find it in your heart and please search for understanding to realise how tired I am from trying to seperate Me from Myself, as I am lost somewhere in the middle of it all. If this seems hard to read or comprehend... just imagine how hard it is to be Me. At any given time, I have always been - Me, Myself and I.

What am I to believe when I surely die? Is Myself bannished to his selfish fiery hell? Is heaven for me? What will I become? Will I be split in two beacuse I lost my way in a world it seems I never belonged in? It is so, so very hard to be Me, I realise this, as Myself fIghts tooth and nail for total control. I have come to the conclusion that the devil is Myself, there`s an angel in Me, and that I am nothing more than a faint ray of light that seperated the two. 

This life has been one hell of a ride and I thank you forever more my Creator of All!!! Thank you Creator for allowing Me and Myself to experience this wonderful world you created, If Me and Myself had their way, they would stay here on earth and battle and war on forever and ever. Yet when it comes to what I want... Creator, I am ready to come home... I long to be one with you.

Copy rights resereved to Micha-El Parker

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Unwillfull Enslavement

Unwillfull Enslavement

               I have been enslaved without my consent, my knowing it, nor my willigness to be said ensalved. Unknowing to me, my birth registration is my entrapment (my death cirtificate if you will). 
The greatest trick to be puled on someone, is a trick or con that one doesn`t even know exists. My body, mind and soul belongs to no government nor religious or occult orginization - only to the one true creator of all, the all that created everything unknown, with nothing more, than a thought, do I belong to.

               Without full or any whatsoever disclosure to myself, a birth registration was signed on my behalf by my mother and father. After that, a birth certificate was printed up with a number on it that corrisponds with the number on the birth registration - in their words ... my slave ownership papers were printed up and signed at the moment of my birth.

                After that, a social securty card was printed up for me (at my parents request) so that a fictional person could be created for my real human body to then move about in as a corporation within this fictional world that is money - based.

               In this manner, my mind or consciosness has been hijacked from me - myself - and I. Without discloser to me, a trust - with al capitalized letters of my name, was printed up for me wich has a trustee, executer and benafitiary attached to it. I am well aware of all the half truths. The half wise recognising the comperative  unreality of the universe, imagine they can defie its laws - such are they as feels. The truely wise, knowing the nature of the universe, use law against laws.

copy rights reserved to Micha-El Parker 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

In My Arms

In My Arms

Making love couldn`t be any sweeter, 
my love for you could never run any deeper.

yesterday I took time to listen to the rain falling.
in my mind I found that it was your name I was calling.

To live without you Eden, I dont even want to try,
because without you I feel that I would surely die.

A life time with you I long to spend,
I`ll be there when you need a best friend.

I can`t wait to get off work to see our shadows fall,
soon it will be your name you make me call.

As we move slowly inside you tell me you love me, 
let me turn you over so that it`s yours whole body I can see.

you grin at me as I tell you to slowly ride,
we are not ashamed so it`s our faces we move have to hide.

You are in every one of my waking dreams,
I`ll be in your arms in no time its seems.

My love for you runs far and wide, 
it will never change like the oceans tide.

I want you in my arms as we watch a morning sunrises,
I want you in my arms as we watch to see baly bird for the first time flies.

I want you in my arms as we walk among the sand, 
I want you in my arms as we are at our wedding hand in hand.

I want you in my arms as together were living,
I want you in my arms when it`s my love forever givining. 

I want you in my arms when plans for the future we are making, 
I want you in my arms when my life God is taking.

copy rights reserved to Micha-El Parker 6/16/94 9:25 pm

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Painfully True

Painfully True

          I study this, study that, till it comes to an end, 
there`s a painful truth in this letter I must write and send.

         I have never been a father nor will I ever have a chance to be, 
even though my children number in three. 

         Everything I `ve ever loved, I had to push myself away from for it to be able to grow and thrive, 
everything around me slowly dies, yet I am still alive.

         Before you try to judge me and my words
that are in front of your face,
take a good look at yourself and ask, "am I really living 
the way I should and under God`s grace?" 

         I have tried my best to right every wrong I`ve ever made,
things from my past just won`t let all of the bad memories fade.

         When it comes to religion I have studied them all, 
when this New Age of Lucifer is ushered in, they all will soon fall.
          If you don`t believe me, google NESARA.US and then NESARA Deception,
then you will understand the real meaning of the word Deprivation.

          I`ve never said that I myself am without sin,
I`m just trying to explain how everything I study, 
carries me back to where I begin.

         The truth is, that all things must come to an end, 
there`s a painful message in this letter I write and to you I send.

Copy Rights Reserved to Micha-El Parker 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Looking Back

Looking Back / Micha-El Parker

My family is still alive but I am dead to them, 
the light to my painful past is slowly growing dim.

I am nothing more than an outcast 
in a dysfunctional world here, 
I have given up control of my life and handed it 
over to my Creator for Him to steir.

There is something deep inside that is 
ready to be let loose, 
my body is riddled with scars and my mind
is slowly letting go of all the mental abuse.

Everything on earth is temporary you see,
this is just the way it is designed to be.

The tallest buildings come crashing to the ground, 
somethings go missing, never again to be found.

Have you ever noticed how hard
it is to put a smile across your face,
when you are in rage or feeling its disgrace. 
I am in this world but not of this place.

My heart beats yet I count them not, 
the love I have for my Creator and wife are all I`ve got.

The tears fall and my heart aches, 
I speak into the darkness and the silence breaks.

I could be so bitter and cold but my soul resisted...
for I knew a love like ours existed.

Copy Rights reserved to Micha-El Parker

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Your Ticket To Freedom

Your Ticket To Freedom

What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive, 
the time has come for the donkey and elephant in the room to leave.

There is a great wind of change calling out, 
to leave this incorporated way of life with no fear nor doubt.

The wind of change is blowing harder than ever,
the corporate wickedness is pushing their fear mongering at an alarming rate,
the time to escape is going to soon be now or never,
get out of her now my people before it is too late.

Unknowingly we have all taken the mark of the beast,
do a quick search of your birth certificate ownership and you will find the words I write are true.
Do a quick search meaning of your ALL CAPS NAME and you will see, 
that we are going to be present at the Devil`s feast.

Have a quick look at the love for life to find out what you must do,
to really understand what we all must do to be free.

Technology has past our conditions of living for a reason, 
we were allowed to enjoy our false freedom for only a season.

Do yourself a favor and find out who owns your soul, 
to wake you up before it is too late is my only goal.

We are all slaves to a master we did not choose,
we are all in a battle we must win, and in a war we just can not loose.

If the reader of this poem decides to turn from truth and go back to sleep, 
it is our future generations that will reep,
all of the horrors you now secretly keep.

Copy Rights reserved to Micha-El Parker 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Only Love Can Set You Free

Our Creator of All has led me
to write this poem for you my dear, 
we are one flesh and have nothing to fear.

You came to me from a land so far away,
that took  a lot of courage, I must honestly say.

You flew from Israel to the United States, 
with  a single warm embrace, we forever sealed our fates.

You came to me with little more than the 
smile on your beautiful face,
I remember you standing at the airport with your 
pocket book and little suitcase.

Love is more powerful than anyone can conceive,
love is the most important thing in the world, you and I believe.

"Seek and ye shall find",
that love is the key to unlock the chains that bind.

I have heard that if you love something, to set it free,
I never realized till now, that, that something was ME.

I now know that love is the exact essence of our Creator, 
and I am here to testify that there is Nothing greater.

My dearest Eden, my beautiful darlin, my loving wife,
thank you for bringing this once dead man, back to life.

Love was the only tool you used for me to finally see,
that the Creator of All, resides in me.

I am forever grateful, my darlin, for all that you have given,
thank you for your love, it has made my life worth liven. 

Your smile is like a ray of light that melts my heart,
even in death, from you, I will never part.

To: my beautiful Eden
From: your loving Micha-El

Copy Right reserved to Micha-El Parker

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Transformation home

The Transformation home H2O

I am a raindrop falling to earth,
I have been falling since birth.
A cloud is my mother 
and the sun is my father.
away from them I am falling further,
along  side of me, another raindrop is calling me brother.
Into a river I plunge  to what I think is my destination.
I quickly become friends with all around with little hesitation.
I am now part of something as a whole yet feel set apart,
between the rocks and among the roots I swiftly dart,
I am in a river and play my part.
In the swiftness I struggle to swim my own way,
in the current, it`s very ruff I must say.
As I leap from a waterfall my name is changed to mist,
as I am falling, I feel the sun, it`s my father`s kiss.
I land in a pool in the river so calm and serein, 
I have time to reflect on all the beauty I have seen,
this is the time that I finally feel at peace and clean.
The calmness is short-lived and the river pulls me on,
just like that.... the peace is gone.
I pass over rocks some ruff and some slick, 
I pass by trash that makes me sick.
I am beginning to forget I am a raindrop at all,
as I encounter another waterfall.
this time I scream to my mother the cloud,
"Why did you let me go !!!", I scream out loud.
The constant movement is almost more then I can bare,
I was once a raindrop... this river is not fair.
I knew not what I carried as my destiny begins to unfold,
I pass through the mouth and over the gills of a fish so cold, 
I brought the oxygen for life and now I feel so beautiful and bold.
I found my destiny in this river so wild and fast,
I am part of a whole called water and no longer an outcast.
I long for the day my father turns me into vapor,
now my mother and I can once again be together, 
where I will once again hug and love her.

How Do You Know ?

How Do You Know ?

I always use to say to people... , "Do you know how you know you love someone...?" and they would usually look stunned by my question but would generally  answer me right away with a sorted answer... then they would ask me my question back to me.... and I always answered the same... "When you truly Love someone... you miss EVERYTHING about that person... When they`re not around.... EVERYTHING about them... you miss the bad times, the good and everything else... you miss everything about them when they are not around...

I miss everything about you so much... that it actually hurts when you`re not around. I truly, madly, deeply, passionately  ... LOVE YOU

Copy Rights reserved to Micha-El Parker

The Hurt

The Hurt 

There is a yearning within us all, 
Yes,sometimes we stumble and yes,sometimes we fall, 

just dust yourself off and please stand tall, 
please remember, we're only human after all. 

 There's a yearning for things we long to hold, 
there's a yearning for things that can't be bought nor sold. 

 "Some things can only be loved from afar," I say, 
 I wish it were not so... but sometimes, it's the only way.

Copy Rights reserved to Micha-El Parker

Friday, September 16, 2016

Don`t Go There

You know for a fact, 
that you`re all I got.

 I am honest and exact,
or have you forgot?

 Where is the Love, 
that you think you`re in possession of?

Where is the peace that happiness brings?
I search and I long for these things.

 Where there is lust,
there, you`ll find dust.

Where there is pride, 
in this you can hide.

Where there is sloth,
you`ll find yourself clothed in wroth.

Where there is wrath, 
one can easily loose his path.

 Where there is greed,
that is something you should never feed.

 Where there is envy, 
there, you`ll find your heart heavy.

 Where you have rage, 
there, you`ll find man.

 Then, you have gluttony,
which you should stay away from as much you can.

 I`m just a dreamer and sort of
a different kind.

 I`m not looking for something
 that I don`t think I can find.

Copy Right reserved to Micha-el Parker 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Calling On You

Calling On You

   Woke up this morning in search for 
some sort of good news,
Oh Lord, please take away these Sunday morning blues.

   Woke up this morning in search for 
the words I want to say, 
Oh Lord, please give me the strength to just be thankful for another day.

   Woke up this morning in searching for 
something good to find,
Oh Lord, please take these depressing thoughts 
from my heart and mind. 

   Woke up this morning in search for 
something to smile about, 
Oh Lord. please take away these fears and 
thoughts of doubt.

   Woke up this morning with nightmares for dreams, 
Oh Lord, please help guide me through
a world where nothing is as it seems.

   Woke up this morning and the 
tears start falling, 

Oh Lord, please hear me calling, 
please hear me calling.

Copy Rights reserved to Michael E. Parker 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Who Is He?

     Who Is He ?

      "Close the gates that brings the air"', 
he wispered to the trees.

      "Move no more, to you I dare", 
he wispered to the breeze.

       To the clouds way up high, he tells them, "Go now 
and hide in fear", 
with an eerie sigh he wispers, "That the end is near". 

       "Stop your unrest and be void of any motion", 
he wispers to the once restless ocean.

        He wispers to the sea, "Run and hide to be no more, 
run and stretch as far as the eye can see,"
 he wispers to the lengthening shore.

        "Swim no more," he wispers to the flopping 
fish amongst the barren floor.

        "Come down to earth and never again fly",
he wispers to every creature, that filled a once beautiful sky.

        "Animals and creatures that wander and roam both near and far,"
he wispered on, "Be still and perish right where you are".

         To every living plant, the small or tall, 
he wispered, "Go wither, rot and fall".

        He commanded with only a wisper, "For everything 
manmade to crumble to the ground",
other than men, women and children, there was nothing else
to be found.

        He wispered, "Now I light the eternal flame
Now, go wallow in all your filth and shame". 

He shouted out loud, "You knew I was 
coming AND you even knew my Name.

The struggle

The struggle 

 I love the thought of what this world must have really been designed for in the beginning. This world holds so much beauty, wonder, splendor and natural power. It`s absolutely amazing to look at, but something happened a long time ago in the hearts and minds of men (people) that makes them want to fight for something that isn’t even theirs in the first place really (our earth). 

 Greed is rewarded and love is sought out and crushed.. Everything is backwards to someone like me and I don’t think I`m alone… I am rare in my thinking but not alone. There`s nothing wrong with this world, something is wrong with the majority of people in charge of running the world and its affairs. I have prayed and thought very hard, very hard for a solution but as I go through my day to day life the way it is designed now, I notice that I am part of the problem as I participate in the way things are. 

I just want something I will never have or see I suppose… peace. Peace in knowing I am bettering the world instead of helping destroy it. I live in a world where I am controlled by fear (fear of losing my house, car, food, everything – unless I work my ass off in a system that just doesn’t work for mankind anymore) being controlled by this fear doesn’t work on me for I fear nothing but the one who created me… my Creator. Please know that I love you more than you can ever imagine or more than I can even show or tell you in this lifetime we have. I am just a very worn down man… by this way of life that I didn’t choose… it chose me. 

 My spirit is so free that I can`t even start to explain it to you but my mind and body are trapped here in a world I can`t stand anymore. It is very hard to be me… I have said that before and will say it again. Peace, happiness and love be with us all.

Copy Rights Reserved to Michael E. Parker

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Do You Know What Is Coming ?

Do You Know What Is Coming ?

There is a disease that has its highs and lows,
it follows me around wherever I go.

There is a sickness in this world that everyone seems to Ignore,
and I don`t know how much I can take from either one ... anymore.

Everyone is mad and without laughter as I look around, 
their eyes are empty with no life inside to be found, 
am I the only one who realizes that we are all walking on sacred ground?

I live in  a prison of flesh and bone, 
don`t weep for me... when I am gone.

Religion is a trap to veil the mind, 
I feel as if I am the last of my kind.

I live in a world where everything is for sale or lease, 
away from this kind of place is where I`ll find my peace.

I feel something approaching with a lot of force... it knows no remorse, 
and there`s Nothing I can do to change its corse.

Everything real will soon be fake and honesty will be replaced with lies, 
it will be so imaginable that you will not believe your eyes,
it is going to be a sad day...  when all Love dies. 

Copy Rights reserved to Michael E. Parker

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Song Within My Heart

The Song Within My Heart 

What if I told you that my soul is as restless as the wind?
what if I told you I`m sad, when I`m happy,
my beautiful friend?

What if I told you that the battle on the outside, is the same as within?
If I were to try and explain, where
would I begin?

If I were to pretend could you 
see through the lie?
If my spirit was an eagle, I would 
surely fly.

If I tested the troubled water 
and dove right in, 
If I try to pretend...  where do I begin?

What if I told you, that what is real
for you... is nothing more, then a dream to me,
If you`ll only open up your mind 
you`ll be amazed at what you see.

If I were to fall and sleep among
the clouds in the skies,
wouldn`t that be better, than living in a world full of lies.

Like an eagle way up high,
my spirit longs to fly.

What if I sang to you the song being sung
within my heart?
If I could pretend... where would I start?
Oooooooh where would I start ?

Copy Rights reserve to Micha-El  Parker

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Tears In My Coffee

The Tears In My Coffee 

When I look into your eyes, 
I realize, 
that between us... they are no lies.

             Tears In My Coffee,
someone may ask, "How can this be?" 
It's easy, when I`m looking at you - looking at me, 
"YOU" are all I ever want to see.

There`s alot to be learned by
looking deep into your love`s eyes,
behind the smile there`s a great big
world just waiting on you to realize.

             Tears In My Coffee... 
no words are needed when you`re looking 
this way at me.
It hurts every second of every minute 
that we`re apart,
you can trick the mind but you just 
can`t fake what`s in the heart.

             Tears In My Coffee ...
I`m looking at you, looking back at me,
the good Lord knows how much I love
what I see.

They say that "The eyes are the 
window to the soul", 
as I look into yours, I see my world
complete and whole.

Today, I Thank God for .... Tears In My Coffee ... 

Copy Rights reserve to Michael E. Parker